Optometry Today

Dry AMD treatment showcased by Optegra

OT skills guide: Jackson Cross Cylinder

OT skills guide: Cover test

How to use OCT for glaucoma management

Identifying flaws in the visual pathway

OT skills guide: Slit lamp bio

Cup-to-disc ratio: getting it right | OT Skills Guide

Transposing an optical prescription | OT Skills Guide

Assessing the fit of a soft contact lens | OT Skills Guide

OT skills guide: Slit lamp routine

What happened in 2023?

Meeting the needs of presbyopic patients - The Alcon Total30 Multifocal roundtable

How to fit frames and influence people

The ups and downs of being a locum with Francesca Marchetti

Lets talk about hallucinations with Charles Bonnet syndrome

OT skills guide: Testing pupils

Grading the fit of a rigid gas permeable contact lens | OT Skills Guide

My first eye exam

Ishihara | OT Skills Guide

Where will independent optometry be in 2030?

OT skills guide: Motility

OT skills guide: Best vision sphere

OCT: Interpreting the image

Assessing the fit of a rigid gas permeable contact lens | OT Skills Guide